Automation & technology

Customers Share Their “Why” for National Mortgage Professional Month


September was National Mortgage Professional Month, and to celebrate, we invited our ICE Mortgage Technology® customers to share why they love making the American Dream of homeownership a reality for their clients.

As we started connecting with customers to ask why they love doing what they do, we were struck by the common themes we saw in their responses, and how close knit and supportive the mortgage community really is. Strong feelings of community, responsibility, being a part of something bigger than themselves, and wanting to give back were present in every entry. But rather than sum up all that we learned, we thought we’d share our questions and let their thoughtful responses speak for themselves.

Why do you enjoy helping your customers become homeowners?

“Every transaction is like a puzzle, where you don't know how many pieces the puzzle has until you start putting it together. I love the challenge and the joy you feel when helping people achieve their homeownership dreams.”

Donna Alberts
Mortgage Banker
Dacotah Bank

“There is perhaps no bigger purchase or commitment one will ever make. It is no small thing to be entrusted to play a role in any part of that process.”

Margie Ambrosio
SVP, Information Systems Manager
George Mason Mortgage

“Owning a home is a big dream for most people and is the very center of a family. It provides shelter and a safe haven for those we love and is a place where priceless memories are made. I love helping people on their journey to homeownership!”

Amy Blum
VP, Mortgage Systems Administrator
West Gate Bank

What makes the mortgage community special?

“There is competition in all markets. But in the mortgage community, all the competition benefits homebuyers. I don’t know of any other industry whose competitive spirit benefits their customers in such a positive way.”

Ashley Bailey
VP, Production Support Manager
Umpqua Bank

“I enjoy how much we collaborate with each other. Yes, we are competitors, but we have each other’s back. In fact, I would not be at West Gate if it weren’t for these very things. I met my now co-worker in the taxi line at the Las Vegas Airport while heading to Experience in 2018. This is just one example of how the mortgage community collaborates and helps each other out.”

Katie Vogt
Mortgage Systems Administrator
West Gate Bank

“There’s a lot of camaraderie between coworkers. It's a relatively small crew where I'm working, so everybody ends up knowing everybody.”

Gabe House
Encompass Administrator
United Community Bank

“Everyone has fresh ideas about how to best provide financing to borrowers. It is the constant discussion of this that leads to improved products and processes.”

David Gilbert
Chief Operating Officer
Chicago Financial Services, Inc.

How has being a mortgage industry professional helped you make more connections personally and professionally?

“Most mortgage industry professionals have worked through many economic cycles related to housing, and we are committed to collaborating and working together to sustain homeownership. We work together daily to make this dream possible.”

Kathy Weber
Vice President - Residential Lending
Delta Community Credit Union

“Working in the mortgage industry has opened up connections to people that I would never have known if they were not in the same line of work. Being a system admin, we frequently talk to other admins from across the country that are a part of the same mortgage system user groups. I have been able to meet people that have helped guide me through issues or simply learn new parts of the systems we run, and I’ve kept in touch with many of them.”

Amy Blum
VP, Mortgage Systems Administrator
West Gate Bank

“The best professions are the ones that teach you something you can use in your everyday life, both personally and professionally. Mortgage industry professionals are always looking to the next generation. As I have grown in the industry, I have learned to do the same and am thankful for those that paved the way. I call many of them friends today.”

David Gilbert
Chief Operating Officer
Chicago Financial Services, Inc.

Coming up: Come together as experts and colleagues.

This is just a sampling of the responses we received throughout National Mortgage Professional Month. As we spoke with our customers, it reaffirmed what we already knew: that the mortgage industry is full of dedicated, hardworking, and people-focused professionals. And even though there’s plenty of healthy competition in our day-to-day work, everyone pulls together during times of change, and values the importance of connection to support each other, and ultimately help more people become homeowners.

To meet some of these individuals and thousands of other mortgage industry professionals, be sure to register for ICE Experience 2023, the mortgage industry’s premier conference. Exclusive for ICE Mortgage Technology customers, this is where industry leaders come together to network, learn, and work towards driving innovation.

Register now

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