Building Permit Data

Gain deeper insights into a property's unique history with Building Permit Data

Our industry-leading Building Permit Data is current, comprehensive and nationwide, and it provides you with detailed information on both residential and commercial properties.


Why use building permit data from ICE?

Nationwide coverage

Insights on over 80% of the housing inventory in the top 100 metropolitan areas.

Data when you need it

Direct integrations with contractor license boards and jurisdictions eliminates data latency.

Easy to understand

Data standardized and normalized for easier consumption.

Easy access, quick delivery

A variety of delivery options to meet your needs, including bulk, batch, FTP, match and append and the Rapid Analytics Platform (RAP).

About Building Permit Data

Detailed, rich building permit data to meet your information needs

With integration into more than 450 contractor license boards, we’re able to deliver exceptionally reliable and current data. In most cases, the data is obtained within just one business day after the permit is granted.

To provide you with detailed and rich information, we match and append the building permit data with additional data sets, such as addresses, contractors and property profiles.

Our data includes current and historical permitted work. It covers more than 220 million properties, includes over 55 million parcels and draws from 2,000+ unique sources across the U.S. to provide you with critical insights on:

  • Contractor information
  • Property description and details
  • Owner information
  • Contractor and job value
  • Permit classification, project description and details
  • Historical permit data across different jurisdictions over the last 10-20 years
Ready to get started? Get in touch.
ABOUT ICE Commercial Building Permit Data

Discover information about a commercial property's history

Get deep insights into a property’s unique history by leveraging our Commercial Building Permit Data. We provide comprehensive information on more than 220 million building permits for commercial properties across the U.S.

Our Commercial Property Building Permit Data includes:

  • Contractor information and job value
  • Property description and details
  • Owner information
  • Project description and details
  • Historical and ongoing activities on the property
  • Permit classification

Why use our data?

Gain Deeper Insights

Data matched and appended with additional datasets to provide you with rich, detailed information that supports a broad range of analytics.

Flexible delivery options

A variety of flexible, scalable integrations and formats available to easily adapt to your existing workflows.

Standardized data

Millions of unstructured records from a variety of data sources are normalized into a clean, standardized format to be consistent and easy to understand.

How to use our Commercial Property Building Permit Data


Minimize risk by assessing the history of property improvements and alterations; use the data to help determine if coverage is adequate or needs to be updated.


Evaluate risk based on building permit activities; gain insights to help determine rental income; identify loan opportunities by viewing specific project classifiers and cost.


Compare macro-trends in construction and remodeling activities across regional markets.

Hedge funds

Assess buying and selling opportunities of publicly traded companies based on patterns in permits.


Perform more accurate property valuations; identify opportunities to offer your appraisal service.

Research firms

Assess buying and selling opportunities of publicly traded companies based on patterns in permits.


Use the data to help identify historical items without permits that do not match current building codes.

Investors: Portfolio managers

Assess buying and selling opportunities of publicly traded companies based on patterns in permits.

Investors: Sellers

Leverage the data to identify renovation cost estimates and reliable contractors.

Investors: Commercial property

Understand the history of a property to determine if it may impact the valuation.

Lead generation

Support lean generation efforts by identifying potential solar, office furnishing, electrical needs, etc.

Ready to get started? Get in touch.
ABOUT ICE Residential Building Permit Data

Learn about a property's unique history by viewing residential building permit data.

Get deep insights into a property’s unique history by leveraging our Residential Property Building Permit Data. We provide comprehensive information on more than 220 million building permits properties across the U.S.

Our Residential Property Building Permit Data includes:

  • Contractor information and job value
  • Property description and details
  • Owner information
  • Project description and details
  • Historical and ongoing activities on property
  • Permit classification

Why use our data?

The most current data available

Direct integrations with contractor license boards and jurisdictions help eliminate data latency issues and enable us to deliver reliable information.

Deeper insights

Data matched and appended with additional data sets to provide you with rich, detailed information that supports a broad range of analytics.

Standardized data

Millions of unstructured records from a variety of data sources are normalized into a clean, standardized format to be consistent and easy to understand.

Flexible delivery options

A variety of flexible, scalable integrations and formats available to easily adapt to your existing workflows. Our delivery options include FTP, batch, match and append and Rapid Analytics Platform (RAP).

Applications of our residential building permit data


Evaluate risk based on building-permit activities and add insights to valuations; identify loan opportunities by viewing specific project classifiers and cost.

Wide-Ranging Coverage

Minimize risk by assessing the history of property improvements and alterations; identify when customers are increasing the value on their home.


Compare macro trends in construction and remodeling activities across regional markets.

Real Estate Agents

Help home buyers understand how the history of a property could affect the total cost of ownership; identify potential listings based on the type of remodeling projects and identify marketable properties that are part of an agent’s farm list.


Perform more accurate property valuations; identify opportunities to offer your appraisal service.

Ready to get started? Get in touch.